首页> 外文OA文献 >Analisis Pergerakan Polutan Trikloroetilen Dalam Media Berpori Menggunakan Sentrifug Geoteknik (Analysis of Trichloroethylene Pollutant Migration in Porous Media Using Geotechnical Centrifuge)

Analisis Pergerakan Polutan Trikloroetilen Dalam Media Berpori Menggunakan Sentrifug Geoteknik (Analysis of Trichloroethylene Pollutant Migration in Porous Media Using Geotechnical Centrifuge)



Tricholoroethylene (TCE) is an organic solvent used in many industrial processes. TCE is one of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) which has already contaminated soil and groundwater. The objectives of this study are to determine the migration of TCE in rhyolite and granite soil, to determine the migration of TCE in soil using 1 and 25 Gravity (G) force, and to determine the migration of TCE influencing factors in the soil. The characteristics of TCE migration in rhyolite and granite soil will migrate vertically and laterally to the bottom of the ground. The migration will be retarded in small particle size of soil. The fastest migration of TCE at 1G and 25G was found in the granite soil. The migration of TCE in dry soil is affected by properties of soil particularly particle size and cation exchange capacity.
机译:三氯乙烯(TCE)是许多工业过程中使用的有机溶剂。 TCE是已经污染土壤和地下水的非水相液体(NAPL)之一。这项研究的目的是确定TCE在流纹岩和花岗岩土壤中的迁移,使用1和25重力(G)力确定TCE在土壤中的迁移,并确定TCE影响因素在土壤中的迁移。 TCE在流纹岩和花岗岩土壤中的迁移特征将垂直和横向迁移到地面底部。在土壤的小颗粒中,迁移将受到阻碍。在花岗岩土壤中,TCE在1G和25G处迁移最快。三氯乙烯在干燥土壤中的迁移受土壤性质的影响,特别是粒径和阳离子交换能力。



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